ISRP-SIRP International Service for Remunerations and Pensions - Service International des Rémunérations et des Pensions




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Actuarial Studies

The Actuarial Unit produces studies dealing with accounting reporting and funding requirements of pension plans, medical schemes, as well as other actuarially related topics such as mortality tables and demographic assumptions.

Actuarial unit



Committees' Secretariat

Committees secretariat resizedISRP acts as the secretariat for the Co-ordination Committees such as the CCR, the CRSG and PACCO, as well as for a group of 24 International Financial Institutions (IFI). In this role, it is responsible for the preparation of agendas, minutes, working documents, reports, and the organisation of the meetings.

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Fotolia Studies-Surveys-StudiesThanks to its role in the co-ordinated remuneration and pension systems, ISRP has developed expertise in several domains such as actuarial studies on defined-benefit obligations, statistical studies on salaries and allowances, salary comparisons, statistics on prices and consumption.

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Legal Advice

Fotolia Legal AdviceISRP legal expertise in the field of pensions and remuneration is provided to  Co-ordination and each Co-ordinated Organisations individually. It also provides assistance to an increasing number of Associated and other international organisations.

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Pension Management

Fotolia Pension ManagementThe Pensions Computation Unit calculates pension benefits, verifies entitlement, remits payment, and delivers pay slips. It provides reports, accounting data and statistics to organisations.

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Pension Fund Administration

fund adminThe ISRP has been mandated by several international organisations to administer their pension funds. In this role, it organises board meetings, provides information and analysis needed for investment decisions to different groups and then implements these decisions.

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More Articles...

  1. Organisation of workshops

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