ISRP-SIRP International Service for Remunerations and Pensions - Service International des Rémunérations et des Pensions




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Associated Organisations

Apart from the six Co-ordinated Organisations, 31 international organisations, so-called Associated Organisations, closely follow the Co-ordination system.

They are:

BIE   International Exhibitions Bureau
BIPM   International Bureau of Weights and Measurements
BOIP Benelux Organisations for Intellectual Property
BENELUX BENELUX Union Secretariat
CCNR Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine
CEB   Council of Europe Development Bank
CERN   European Organization for Nuclear Research
ECO   European Communications Office
ECS   Energy Charter Secretariat
EFTA   European Free Trade Association
EMBL   European Molecular Biology Laboratory
EPO   European Patent Office
ESO   European Southern Observatory
EUISS European Union Institute for Security Studies  
SatCen European Union Satellite Centre  
GBIF   Global Biodiversity Information Facility  
HCCH   The Hague Conference on Private International Law  
International Commission on Missing Persons
INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization
ITER   International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
NASCO   North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation  
OCCAR   Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation  
OIF International Organisation of La Francophonie
OSPAR   Oslo and Paris Commissions  
PCA   Permanent Court of Arbitration  
UNIDROIT   International Institute for the Unification of Private Law  
UfM Secretariat Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat
UPC Unified Patent Court
WCO   World Customs Organisation  
WOAH World Organisation for Animal Health

World Trade Organization


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