ISRP-SIRP International Service for Remunerations and Pensions - Service International des Rémunérations et des Pensions




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Legal Advice

ISRP provides legal expertise with respect to pensions and remuneration in international organisations.

Fotolia Legal AdviceISRP legal expertise in the field of pensions and remuneration is provided to both Co-ordination and Associated Organisations individually. It also provides assistance to an increasing number of other international organisations.

The ISRP Pensions Section has extensive legal expertise in the field of pensions and remunerations.

This expertise is crucial for the work carried out within the Co-ordination system, but also in the context of the important developments occurring in some international organisations. The ISRP is thus involved in drafting the legal frameworks or amendments to the existing provisions, as well as the analysis and interpretation of current regulations in force.

The ISRP also provides assistance to an increasing number of Associated Organisations looking for advice with regards to pensions and remunerations.

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