ISRP-SIRP International Service for Remunerations and Pensions - Service International des Rémunérations et des Pensions




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Who we are

The ISRP was formed in 2012 following the merger of IOS and JPAS, both pillars of Co-ordination since 1964 and 1978 respectively. The ISRP is a common service platform for the six Co-ordinated Organisations and other international organisations, providing services for their pension schemes and remuneration policies.

whoweareThe International Service for Remunerations and Pensions (ISRP) is responsible for the management and review of all matters pertaining to the remuneration of staff and the Pension Scheme common to the Co-ordinated Organisations. These topics are also managed and monitored for those international organisations who call upon the competencies of the ISRP in the field of remuneration and pension policy, financial engineering and actuarial studies, as well as legal advice and statistics. The ISRP provides its extensive expertise to more than 40 international organisations.

Copyright SIRP 2013

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