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- Published on Friday, 24 August 2012 10:54
Thanks to its role in the co-ordinated remuneration and pension systems, ISRP has developed expertise in several domains such as actuarial studies on defined-benefit obligations, statistical studies on salaries and allowances, salary comparisons, statistics on prices and consumption.
The ISRP Studies and Support Unit is responsible for studies, surveys and statistics in the framework of the Co-ordinated system.
The Unit assists the Coordination Committees (CCR, CRSG, CRP) by producing all the studies and simulations requested in the framework of the review of the salary and allowances adjustment methods. In addition, the Unit makes all the calculations necessary for the annual application of the adjustment methods in force.
According to the CCR program of work, the Unit also produces punctual specific studies like, for example, salary level comparisons between the Co ordinated Organisations and other employment pools (private and public sectors, international organisations).
Closely related to the international civil servants remuneration, the work carried-out for many years by the ISRP in the Co-ordination framework, led the ISRP to build up a significant knowledge basis on remuneration, allowances, social contributions, consumption patterns, purchasing power parities, etc.
Over years, the ISRP acquired an in-depth knowledge of the remuneration systems of many international organisations (United Nations, European Union, Financial Institutions, etc.), and of a number of national civil services (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom), especially in matters of job description and grade equivalency. It has thus been able to extend its expertise in the field of salary comparison between international organisations.
The work carried-out by the Studies and Support Unit covers various items:
- Consumer prices indices (national, harmonized, international)
- Systems and remuneration levels of various national civil services
- Purchasing power parities
- Family budget surveys
- Surveys on housing costs for international staff in various capital/duty stations
- Calculation of income tax in several countries
- Social contributions and pensions
- Expatriation, education allowances, etc.
- Job classification and grade equivalency (international organisations and public sector)
- Salary comparisons (public and private sectors, international organisations)
- Development and maintenance of specific websites requested by international organisations
Within this framework the actuaries provide support to the Co-ordinated, Associated and other International Organisations on technical matters related to their pension and other post-employment (medical, long term care) benefits. The spectrum of actuarial studies is broad and in more detail comprises:
- the evaluation of asset and liabilities for the considered Organisation;
- the setting of actuarial assumptions, in order to produce funding and financing analysis;
- the evaluation of actuarial coefficient related to the different pension scheme rules;
- the calculation – every 5 years – of the mortality table specific to the civil servants working in International Organisations based in Europe, called ICSLT (International Civil Servants Life Table). The last version is from 2023 (ICSLT2023. This mortality table is based on European civil servants data and used not only by the Co-ordinated Organisations, but by Associated Organisations or some European Institutions.
The ISRP Actuarial Unit works closely with the rest of ISRP Units, such as the Studies Unit, the Legal Unit or Pension Fund Administration Unit in order to provide a complete and professional solution.