Data Protection Notice
- Details
- Published on Monday, 17 October 2016 15:06
Information Notice to Pensioners
The ISRP processes personal information about the former staff members of the following organisations:
‒ The Council of Europe
‒ The Council of Europe Development Bank
‒ The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
‒ The European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)
‒ The European Patent Office
‒ The European Space Agency
‒ The European Union Institute for Security Studies
‒ The European Union Satellite Centre
‒ The Hague Conference on Private International Law
‒ The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
‒ The Western European Union
The ISRP also processes personal data about the other beneficiaries of these organisations’ pension schemes (persons entitled, or potentially entitled to survivor’s and reversion pensions).
The organisation on which you depend (as a former staff member or as another beneficiary) is the data controller. The ISRP acts as the data processor, through delegation.
The purpose of the processing of your personal data is the payment of the pensions and benefits provided for under the pension schemes of the aforementioned organisations.
The following categories of personal data are covered by the processing operations:
‒ Personal identifying information (full name, former staff member’s identification number)
‒ Personal details (nationality, address, e-mail address, phone number, gender, date of birth)
‒ Former staff member’s career information (reckonable service)
‒ Household composition information (marital situation, dependents, family relationships)
‒ Household income information (spouse’s income, dependent’s income, for eligibility to the family allowances purposes)
‒ Pension information (amount, scale, etc.)
‒ Tax information (tax country, amount of the tax adjustment, etc.)
‒ Banking details
‒ Pensioner association affiliation information (for direct deduction of membership dues)
Data quality :
The ISRP ensures that your personal information remains up to date, and that only the data necessary with regard to the purpose of processing is collected.
Data retention policy
The ISRP retains your personal data for no longer than necessary with regard to the purpose of the data processing, and in compliance with the regulatory requirement applicable to the organisation on which you depend.
Right of access
You have a right to access and rectify your personal data.
You may exercise this right:
‒ By mail at the following address:
Service International des Rémunérations et des Pensions (SIRP)
c/o OCDE
2, rue André Pascal
F-75775 Paris Cedex 16
‒ By phone, at +33 (0)1 45 24 82 00
‒ Using the contact form available on the ISRP website.
In case of disagreement, you may lodge a complaint with the organisation you depend on.
Data transfers
Banking institutions, AAPOCAD and AAPOCAD’s insurance
In order to proceed with the payment of your pension and benefits, the ISRP transmits your banking details to the banking institution with whom the organisation you depend on maintains an account.
The ISRP also handles payroll deductions of membership dues on behalf of the Association of Pensioned Staff of the Co-ordinated Organisations and of their Dependants (AAPOCAD). In this respect, the ISRP may transmit some information about you (full name and address).
The full name of the beneficiaries of the AAPOCAD insurance with CIGNA are also transmitted to CIGNA.
These entities are bound by the Regulation (UE) 2016/679 (the General Data Protection Regulation), which compels them to provide for an adequate level of protection of personal data.
Tax adjustment data
If you are receiving a tax adjustment, the information regarding this benefit are transmitted to the country in which your pension is chargeable under income tax. This information contains the amount of the taxable benefits you receive under the pension scheme of the organisation you depend on, as well as identifying information (full name, date of birth, home address and tax address, if different).
Data security
The ISRP implements and updates the appropriate technical and organisational security measures to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal data, and to prevent their unauthorised modification or deletion.