ISRP-SIRP International Service for Remunerations and Pensions - Service International des Rémunérations et des Pensions




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Actuarial Unit

The Actuarial Unit produces studies dealing with accounting reporting and funding requirements of pension plans, medical schemes, as well as other actuarially related topics such as mortality tables and demographic assumptions.

Actuarial unit


The Actuarial Unit provides support to the Co-ordinated, Associated and other International Organisations on technical matters through reports related to their pension and other post-employment (medical, long term care) benefits.

The spectrum of actuarial studies is broad and in more details comprises:

  • The evaluation of accounting liabilities for the considered Organisation;
  • The evaluation of the funding situation of Defined Benefit pension schemes through Asset and Liability Management (ALM) studies;
  • The setting of actuarial assumptions, from demographic assumptions specific to each Organisation to more general assumptions such a mortality table specific to Europe based international civil servants;
  • The calculation of contribution rates for the different Defined Benefit pension schemes;
  • The evaluation of actuarial coefficients for transfers or early retirement related to the different pension schemes;
  • The calculation for the creation of new Defined Benefit pension schemes;

The ISRP Actuarial Unit works closely with the other ISRP Units in order to provide complete and professional solutions to Organisations’ needs.


Mortality Table ICSLT


  • The Actuarial Unit calculates every 5 years a mortality table specific to the civil servants working in International Organisations based in Europe called ICSLT (International Civil Servants Life Table). The last version is from 2023  and integrates 20 participating Organisations. This mortality table is used not only by the Co-ordinated Organisations, but by Associated Organisations and other International Organisations whom staff are located in Europe.

Information regarding Staff Costs Projection Tool (SCriPT)

  • SCript is a unique web based staff costs projection platform, which projects a number of active staff costs, such as salaries, allowances and contributions for the Organisation. For further inforomation, please see the explanatory video and brochure


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